N9 Series(旧)
N9 Series(旧)
ProjectArcana Official(S)
2022-01-09 20:44:59
1.2 GB
2022-01-10 11:49:33
724.09 MB
2021-12-20 02:35:52
1.09 GB
2021-12-25 23:29:52
1.21 GB
2021-12-20 02:31:00
680.93 MB
2022-01-23 08:39:41
1.2 GB
2022-01-23 08:33:18
723.99 MB
2022-03-03 01:38:36
1.25 GB
2022-03-03 01:33:26
797 MB
2022-03-22 00:26:11
773.23 MB
2022-04-11 12:36:28
1.27 GB
2022-04-11 12:35:02
797.12 MB
2022-04-22 12:21:59
1.29 GB
2022-04-22 12:38:36
791.91 MB
@挚爱宅 搬运整理 转自tg: #### 4月21日(FINAL最终版): ##### ℹ️ Project Arcana - GALEFORCE | OFFICIAL ##### 👤 Maintainer: frostg012 × RayapKun ##### 🌟 Android version: 12.1 ##### 📱 Devices: POCO M3 - Redmi 9T (Juice) ##### 📆 Build date: 21/04/2022 ##### Download地址: ##### https://store.kde.org/p/1619738/ ##### Source Changelogs(魔法): ##### https://t.me/ArcaneOSUpdates/365 ##### Device Changelogs: ##### • Imported MIUI offline charging animation ##### • Set fingerprint/power button position ##### • Disable global mode and CDMA choices ##### • Fix deprecated power profile items ##### • Adjust padding between signal and battery icons ##### • msm_irqbalance: Correct the arch_mem_timer interrupt ##### • msm_irqbalance: Do not balance msm_drm and kgsl-3d0 IRQs ##### • Workaround device props based on SKU ##### • Add dalvik heap configuration for 4 & 6GB RAM ##### • Override verified boot state to green ##### • Disable OEM unlock ##### Notes: ##### • FINAL BUILD!!(魔法): https://t.me/fgrkprjkt/417 ##### • Based on stock vendor ##### • Use latest 12.5.x vendor #### 4月11日: ##### #ProjectArcana #Juice #S #Official #ROM ##### Project Arcana (FAERIE) | OFFICIAL ##### Android: 12.1/L ##### Supported Devices: Juice ##### Updated: 20/3/2022 ##### ▪️原Download地址: ##### https://store.kde.org/p/1619738/ ##### ▪️Source Changelogs(魔法): ##### https://t.me/ArcaneOSUpdates/321 ##### Device Changelogs: ##### • Drop cpuset configuration ##### • Decrease media volume steps ##### • Fully use RRO overlays (override vendor ones) ##### • Reworked statusbar padding and cutout ##### • Kang LDAC blobs from courbet ##### • Bringback AOD ##### Notes: ##### • Based on stock vendor ##### • Use latest 12.5.x vendor #### 3月20日: ##### #ProjectArcana #Juice #S #Official #ROM ##### Project Arcana (FAERIE) | OFFICIAL ##### Android: 12.1/L ##### Supported Devices: Juice ##### Updated: 20/3/2022 ##### ▪️原Download地址: ##### https://store.kde.org/p/1619738/ ##### ▪️Source Changelogs(魔法): ##### https://t.me/ArcaneOSUpdates/321 ##### Device Changelogs: ##### • Drop cpuset configuration ##### • Decrease media volume steps ##### • Fully use RRO overlays (override vendor ones) ##### • Reworked statusbar padding and cutout ##### • Kang LDAC blobs from courbet ##### • Bringback AOD ##### Notes: ##### • Based on stock vendor ##### • Use latest 12.5.x vendor #### 3月20日: ##### Project Arcana - EVERGLOW | OFFICIAL ##### Maintainer: frostg012 x RayapKun ##### Android version: 12.1.0 ##### Devices: POCO M3/Redmi 9T ( juice ) ##### Build date: 20/03/2022 ##### 原Download地址: ##### https://store.kde.org/p/1619738/ ##### Source Changelogs(魔法): ##### https://t.me/ArcaneOSCommunity/39359 ##### Device Changelogs: ##### • Initial Android 12.1 release ##### • Tune ZRAM configuration ##### • Import sunfish cpusets configuration ##### • Import sunfish phase offset configuration ##### • Fixed Google TTS FC in Setup Wizard ##### • Converted overlays into Runtime Resource Overlays ##### • Decommonized Runtime Resource Overlays ##### • Improved I/O read-write speed ##### • Set max frame buffer to 3 ##### • Re-enabled window-level blurs ##### • Disable VSync for CPU rendered apps ##### • Enforce 24-bit audio for offload playback ##### Notes: ##### • Not include GApps ##### • Based on stock vendor ##### • Use latest 12.5.x vendor #### 3月2日: ##### #ProjectArcana #Juice #Official #Rom ##### Project Arcana ECLAIR - Official |Android 12 ##### Supported Device: Juice ##### Released : 2022-3-02 ##### By : @mafiasupremacy ##### 原Download地址: ##### https://store.kde.org/p/1619738/ ##### Source Changelogs(魔法): ##### https://t.me/ArcaneOSUpdates/238 ##### Device Changelogs(Must Check): ##### http://bit.ly/IqT6zt ##### Notes: ##### • Use Latest 12.5 EEA Vendor for Citrus ##### • For Lime Use Latest Vendor MIUI 12.5 #### 1月22日: ##### ℹ️ Project Arcana (CLAIR) | BETA - Official ##### 👤 Pengembang: Don Joaquin ##### 🌟 Android version: 12 ##### 📱 Device: Poco M3 - Redmi 9T (Juice) ##### 📆 Build date: 2022-1-22 ##### 原Download地址: ##### https://sourceforge.net/projects/project-arcana-releases/files/CLAIR/JUICE/ ##### Source Changelogs(魔法): ##### https://t.me/ArcaneOSUpdates/163 ##### Device Changelogs(魔法): ##### https://telegra.ph/Project-Arcana---Juice-12-14 ##### Notes: ##### • 12.5 EEA Vendor for Citrus ##### • 21.9.8 Vendor for Lime #### 1月9日: ##### ℹ️ Project Arcana (CLOVER) | BETA - Official ##### 👤 Pengembang: Don Joaquin ##### 🌟 Android version: 12 ##### 📱 Device: Poco M3 - Redmi 9T (Juice) ##### 📆 Build date: 2022-1-9 ##### 原Download地址: ##### https://www.pling.com/p/1619738 ##### Source Changelogs(魔法): ##### https://t.me/ArcaneOSUpdates/163 ##### Device Changelogs(魔法): ##### https://telegra.ph/Project-Arcana---Juice-12-14 ##### Notes: ##### • 12.5 EEA Vendor for Citrus ##### • 21.9.8 Vendor for Lime #### 12月25日: ##### ℹ️ Project Arcana (BLITZ) | BETA ##### 📱 Device: Poco M3 - Redmi 9T (Juice) ##### 👤 Pengembang: @mafiasupremacy ##### 🏷️ Status: OFFICIAL ##### 🌟 Android version: 12 ##### 📆 Build date: 2021-12-25 ##### 原Download地址: ##### https://www.pling.com/p/1634425/ ##### ⚫ Source Changelogs(魔法): ##### https://t.me/ArcaneOSCommunity/9826 ##### ⚫ Device Changelogs: ##### • Reworked init prop. Based on region and codename ##### • Fixed Dialer Issue ##### • Fixed Source Side Bugs ##### • Vanilla is now also Available ##### Notes: ##### • Use No-OSS-Vendor EEA 12.5 for Citrus ##### • Use No-OSS-Vendor Global 12.5 for lime #### 12月19日: ##### ℹ️ Project Arcana (BLITZ) | BETA ##### 📱 Device: Poco M3 - Redmi 9T (Juice) ##### 👤 Pengembang: @mafiasupremacy ##### 🏷️ Status: OFFICIAL ##### 🌟 Android version: 12 ##### 📆 Build date: 2021-12-19 ##### 原Download地址: ##### https://www.pling.com/p/1634425/ ##### ⚫ Source Changelogs(魔法): ##### https://t.me/ArcaneOSUpdates/121 ##### ⚫ Device Changelogs: ##### • From Alpha to Beta Release ##### • Fixed APN Issue ##### • Fixed Wifi cant connect in some cases ##### • Retuned Statusbar padding ##### • Under the hood optimization ##### Notes: ##### • This is GApps build no more vanilla :) ##### • Cleanflash is Mandatory ##### • No OSS Vendor 21.7.21 is Recommended ##### 12月15日(第一个AndroidS版本): ##### ℹ️ Project Arcana (BLITZ) ##### 📱 Device: Poco M3 - Redmi 9T (Juice) ##### 👤 Pengembang: @mafiasupremacy ##### 🏷 Status: Official ##### 🌟 Android version: 12 ##### 📆 Tanggal dibuat: 2021-12-15 ##### ⚫️ Source Changelog(魔法): ##### https://t.me/ArcaneOSUpdates/105 ##### ⚫️ Device Changelog: ##### • Initial Build ##### • Switch to SkiaGL ##### • Shipped with Stock Perf Kernel! ##### • Under the hood Optimization ##### 📥 原Download地址: ##### https://www.pling.com/p/1634425/ ##### 📸 Screenshots(魔法): ##### https://t.me/joaquinupdates/96
2024-12-04 16:38:37 Wednesday Runningtime:0.841s Mem:509.29 KB